Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hurt Locker: The Poem

I have had many debates over the movie The Hurt Locker. A good movie but in my opinion not Oscar worthy. Below is the poem of the same name. And it is more profound, deep and penetrating than the movie could ever hope to be.

The Hurt Locker

Nothing but the hurt left here.
Nothing but bullets and pain
and the bled out slumping
and all the fucks and goddamns
and Jesus Christs of the wounded.
Nothing left here but the hurt.
Believe it when you see it.
Believe it when a 12-year-old
rolls a grenade into the room.
Or when a sniper punches a hole
deep into someone’s skull.
Believe it when four men
step from a taxicab in Mosulto shower the street in brass
and fire. Open the hurt locker
and see what there is of knives
and teeth. Open the hurt locker and learn
how rough men come hunting for souls.

- Brian Turner

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