Monday, February 16, 2009

My Son has Autism

My son was diagnosed last month with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (or ASD) and ADHD. Basically, Autistic. It took a lot for me to write these words on this blog. An obviously private family matter that I have basically outed for the cyberworld to see. I would rather just tell everyone than not...then it is found out and it looks like I am hiding something...ashamed...embarrased. But, you see, that is not the case.
My son is smart, beautiful, funny, clever and one of the two greatest loves of my life. To me he is perfect in every way.
He has done everything at his own pace - crawled, walked, talked, etc. And he never wanted much help. Now, he doesn't have much of a choice. We're helping him.
I should have been more alert to things but I wasn't. I can't go back. Only go forward.
We are starting to get him help and when he starts kindergarten in the fall we hope is where he should be. Intellectually he is ahead of the game...we just have some other stuff to work on.
If you don't know what it is, really, join the club. I have learned a lot and learned I am definitely not alone.
I could use all the support I can get at this point.
My son has Autism and he is perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is more perfect and wonderful and LOVED than many so-called "normal" kids. He is truly a gift and a blessing to all who know and love him.