Saturday, December 27, 2008

Face to Face

I have arrived in the 21st century...again. I am on facebook!
I had heard of facebook but thought it was just another meeting place like myspace. I find myspace hard to maneuver through and I still haven't figured out how to ad my profile picture. Facebook is easy to use and I have found many people I know on it - friends, relatives, classmates, etc. Now I am encouraging all my friends to join up!
Even my husband is on facebook! I know, several of you just fainted. My husband doesn't even know how to use a computer, mouse, email, any of it. I have to say that I will maintain that I do his email. That's cool. He has found possible relatives in France and that has peaked his interest.
So, to those of you that are not on facebook yet - what are you waiting for?
Many thanks to Don Miguel for telling me to get on it!

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