Sunday, June 22, 2008

Separate Lives

With my daughter in preschool and my son in summer day camp I have come to the realization that I don't know how they are spending their days. Seems silly doesn't it? But in the past they were in small day care home environments with only a few other children (sometimes they were the only children). I would get reports on cute things they did or new things they said or experienced. Now that they are among the masses I don't get such reports. Only that they, "Had a good day."
I have to admit that I feel like an "empty nester." Once again - silly notion. But there they on their own having conversations, meeting other people, even going places...without me! I have no idea what they are doing! Silly.
I worry about them but have be confident that they are being well taken care of and will know what to do and how to act. The wish of every parent to be sure...until their child is well into adulthood.
It's a little scary that I don't have total control over their lives or know how they are being taken care of. Will someone be there to cut up his pizza? Do they know she doesn't like apples?
They come home with songs and sayings that I have never said to them. And scraped knees. They also give the standard answer on how their day was, "Okay." I ask them what they did and sometimes they tell me and sometimes they don't. I really have to pry to get any real response.
They are growing up before my eyes and when I drop them off...I wonder...what are they going to do, see, say, hear and experience. I will never know.
I just have to let go...a little.

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