Friday, May 23, 2008

Shock Value

Okay, what's the deal with network television shows just having to have a big shocker of season ender that includes someone being killed or appearing to be? Sure, you want someone to tune in during the fall but does someone have to be blown away to have that happen? I think the writers' strike was that the writers were struck in the head with something. I mean this is the best they can do? The networks are, with good reason, nervous about keeping viewers. The strike obliterated some shows and put some on hold until the fall - with the networks hoping to regain the viewers. But I find their way of luring us back to our current favorites is just plain unimaginative. These used to be called "cliffhangers" but in this case...they more than jumped off.
Four of the shows I watch regularly had one of these endings.
CSI: Miami ended with David Caruso shot and looking kind of lifeless. We know he won't make the NYPD Blue mistake again - he'll be back. Sunglasses and over-acting.
CSI (Vegas) ended with Warrick being graphically shot in the neck while sitting in his car. I mean unnecessarily graphic. He's sitting in the car and a dirty cop (non one knows he's dirty) is talking to him and we see him shoot Warrick in the neck (we are watching from the driver's side window). We can see the exit wound! He sits in the seat gurgling and coughing with blood coming out his neck...then he's dead! True that actor was leaving anyway and everyone knew it...but really...they had to do it like that? He just had a nice meal with his friends and you see everyone exit the cafe smiling about what a good time they had. Then you see that?! Bang!!! That's the ending Soprano fans wanted to see...not CSI.
NCIS ended with the Director, Jennie Sheppard, being blown away in a big gun battle. Her death was a little more of her taking some bad guys with her...but still...why? She is dying of some degenerative disease and wants to go out on her terms while protecting some government secret. She basically lays in wait for the bad guys. Not that graphic an see from the outside a huge gun battle that is happening inside the diner. Jennie is seen laying in blood...ALOT of blood. CBS had been saying for months someone would not survive until next season. I could have thought of a few more characters she could have taken with her. The show is weakly written...but I still watch it. Abby and Ducky are worth it.
Criminal Minds is a never miss favorite BUT even they had to stoop to the someone dies ending! You don't know who it least not until the fall. The team is hunting down some homegrown terrorists and they realize they are possibly being targeted. So, what do they do...all leave the various murder scenes alone. You see four of the main characters getting into a different big black government SUV (music is swelling - screen split into four shots) then BAM!!! One of them is blown to kingdom come! We don't know who! Tune in this fall! Lame. This is the only show that has me interested in tuning in next season. With protest.
When J.R. was shot on Dallas, that was one of the most shocking events on TV. No one got shot at the end of a season back then. At the time it was brilliant. I guess now, writers feel we are so desensitized to violence (and we are) that they feel we need gurgling blood from a favorite character's neck to keep us interested. I really don't need to see that.
Babylon 5 had one of my favorite cliffhangers that had the main character jumping into a deep abyss with a space ship full of nuclear explosives homing in on his signal...he disappeared into the darkness with the ship (bright white) coming straight out of space and following him...then BOOM! Fade to black. Everyone I knew who watched that episode screamed out loud with disbelief and horror. You know we tuned in the next season!
Star Trek: The Next Generation was one of the only TV shows the really knew how to do a cliffhanger, a great one, season after season. Klingon civil war, time traveling aliens (Data's head!), Tasha Yar as a Romulan...and the ultimate...Picard as a Borg! C'mon! You can't beat that! If you can't remember the quintessential cliffhanger image...just remember one of the best lines on TV...
"Resistance is futile...Number One..."
Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And ER closed the season-ender with an almost-happy ending followed by an ambulance explosion -- slimy dude in witness protection (actor who played the slimy drunken relative on the microphone at the opening wedding in “The Wedding Singer”) whose life they just saved is with his guards in the ambulance, two of the main characters have been debating which should ride in the ambulance with him – camera turns away before we know which one finally climbs in and how close the other is to the explosion – and Abby is walking by on the street at that moment (happy looking for once, having re-united with her honey a few minutes before), but how close is she…Fade out. Closing credits.