Monday, August 20, 2007

Something Wonderful

I have been experiencing something wonderful lately: I talk on the phone with my son. That might not seem like something stellar but to me it is. My son is 3 1/2 and when I first started this blog my son was just saying a few words and stringing very few together. Now, just like everyone warned me, he won't stop talking! I don't mind at all. I talk to him every night (we are currently living in different states because of my job) on the phone and he tells me about his day:
Me: Hi, Bill!
Little Bill: Hi, Mommy!
Me: Tell me about your day.
LB: Woke up...had cereal...go car with Daddy...go car with Bee Bee...Taco Bell...naptime...go park...have tee-too (pizza)...have ice cream...bubble bath...get pajamas on...bedtime.
Me: Goodnight, Bill.
LB: Goodnight, Mommy.
Sigh...The conversations do vary at times. Sometimes he just has me on the phone while he plays and when I ask to put Daddy on the phone he says, "No! Talk Mommy you me!"
I love talking to my little man. He can even say, "I love you."

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